Let us not submit again to the You
" O oday I came to think that the ecstasy freedom of spirit, each one of us could live it again, with the same emotion, pausing to gaze, amazed and fascinated by the traces of nomadic than among the nomads of history, Jesus of Nazareth: from where it came from and where did he go? Recorded tracks not on the rocks of basalt, but live on fragments. Browse pages and was surprised by his freedom, surprised and fascinated by how you react before any attempt to imprisonment. Be consulted by anyone, be it his father and mother, or her, trying to "back home" to reduce it to more merciful. Where is demanded uncritical adoration of the law, he disturbs the stillness of the soul codes: heal on the Sabbath, touches lepers, ate with people of dubious reputation, he has followed the women, leaving perfume and grease from their hands, promising future in a bad memory, is the faith in pagan demythologizing the place where worship, a mountain or another, canonize a thief on the cross.
He is interested in God, a God who liberates, interested man, the man and his freedom.
His was a different religion, free, flowing, moving. His is the religion of the child, not the slave. The religion of the slave is a numbing religiosity: stop the life, closes. It is the religion of fear that makes us looking for no love, no invention, no intensity, like the man in the parable that goes and hides "for fear" his talent, unlike the other two who invent ways to multiply daily.
Jesus has fought a tireless, freedom, freedom from a religion of slaves. It was therefore one of the compelling reasons for deciding to remove the middle. Not forgive him his freedom. Not forgive him his freedom. Read the gospel, breathe in the fresh air of freedom. Who has a secret: the secret is that piece of God that is within you, that the true spiritual masters invite you to discover and worship. If you are faithful to this piece of God, you are free from the slavery of others and of things abused by the conventions, codes soulless expectations of others, by the images others have of you.
For you count the eyes of your Lord, has a little piece of him in you.
I'll have to take up the gospel, a closer look at Jesus, my Lord, a free man. And secure it by heart the words of Paul: "Christ has set us free because they remain free, so stand firm and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery" (Gal 5:1). "
Don Angelo Casati
Do not submit again to a yoke (in Qol 131/132, pp. 14-15) .