"Ticino, land of UFO sightings. "
PARADISE, TICINO ( Click for a map!)
Friday, October 30th was held in the meeting organized by the Paradise CUSI . The multipurpose room was crowded with people who have followed the introduction of the President of the Cusi Candida Mammoliti and two civilian pilots (one Swiss and one Italian), the witnesses of sightings both in flight and on land.
After the introduction of the word is passed to the public, people who have had sightings in Ticino gave their testimony, overcoming shyness and confidentiality, especially the fear of ridicule. Telling what they have seen, taking their photos and their personal impressions, opened the discussion and debate on extraterrestrial presence on earth.
I find this a strong signal that people start to speak in public to experience the first type of contact (sightings of unidentified objects in flight) is an indicator of changing times and a promising precursor Journal of disclousure (opening information).
Together with recent publications on the Internet, by various nations, the data concerning the contents of the national archives on UFO sightings, will present a way to formalize existence of a phenomenon for years, kept hidden for various reasons oligarchical interest, and is preparing the ground for addressing the issue even more important: what do we do with this reality, what are our responsibilities, such as our rights and what our duties with respect to the relationship with other civilizations visiting Earth and interacting with us.
Among the applications of those present, one worthy of attention from me was, "but these encounters are never aggressive?" Mammoliti Candida and promptly replied that these items (obviously driven by an intelligence) have always an attitude of observation rather than interference. In fact, at least in the past, the attitude of aggression was most often by ourselves from them.
There is evidence of military pilots to whom, when sightings in flight, was ordered to shoot. This article talks about the pilot Milton Torres and his experience of 1957 :
This video the former Canadian defense minister says the attitude of the Air Force took pre-emptive strike : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4zEvCiG_Ow&feature=related
The evening continued with the screening of a movie about the very genuine and spontaneous testimony of an elderly lady Sottoceneri, who spoke with precision and great detail of his sighting near his home of an object rather large, bright, with separate parts (windows, rotating parts, ...) movements of self and emission of rays and other independent objects escaped from the same well of a being with humanoid features within the object.
Candida Mammoliti has shown how it moves CUSI the following reports: usually goes on the spot of the sighting, is the physical relevance (if any traces on the ground or other) and record the testimony of persons, following a precise protocol and using a standard created specifically to collect data in an unbiased manner. A brief has been opened on the subject of crop circles, a subject that deserves a whole conference, but it was worth mentioning, in the context of the symbolic forms of communication on the part of higher intelligence.
The outcome of the evening was very positive and I think I would like to take this space to thank Candida Mammoliti and CUSI to have had an initiative that I would consider as a precursor of diplomacy in the field of civil contact with other civilizations. A group of citizens that meets and talks about and who begins to think about a topic that concerns us and which belong to us.
Maybe it really is time the embargo on the truth, as defined by Stephen Bassett, recently interviewed by Florinda Balli Zurich . http://www.mutamenti.ch/articolipdf.html
Thanks to all these brave human beings who dare to break the wall of silence.
www.exopoliticsswitzerland.ch administrator
"Never doubt that a small group of people concerned and committed to changing the world. In fact the only thing that ever has!"
Margaret Mead, anthropologist