Stephen Bassett exudes a sense of energy and indefatigable activity. We meet in Zurich, arrived fresh from the Netherlands and about to hold a conference before his departure for France. It speaks of the group that directs a research group called Paradigm Research Group which studies the formidable paradigm shift that will certainly be in Washington when the government finally decides to lift the veil on the extraterrestrial presence on our planet. "Reality is always more extensive than is generally believed," says Bassett. "From the remotest antiquity the human race is contacted by other beings that are still unknown origin: could come from other planets, other galaxies, or other space-time dimensions. This contact has become evident only in the last century, partly thanks to modern recording systems and partly because being able to fly to put the human contact, often dramatically close with UFOs. Governments, both the United States that most of the governments of the industrialized world knows that the extraterrestrial presence is real, and yet, ll'indomani of World War II, the U.S. decided an embargo on this news, in agreement with its allies and also with their Soviet rivals in the group.
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