Thank you, Romeo, silent priest
From our community apart from the priest, even one of the last for the great Ambrosian archdiocese, and in these hours is a bustle of people coming to greet him at the rectory. The faces speak for themselves, there is no need to say much. Eyes, especially eyes speak and say what he knows my heart.
I do not like at all the leaves, but I know it is goodbye forever casts a new light on the other, more genuine and true with respect to the changing glow of daily life. And even reveal our deep feelings toward him, who by education and excess reserve, each had carefully concealed in some crevice of the soul. Do not add anything to the separation relations among people, just the lights more gently, mitigating the harshness of the light and shade making visible that maybe it was simply a matter of veiled diopters.
Maybe that's why the Zen masters taught a practice designed to iron out the disagreements: they are displayed as if someone was going to leave us forever. It works against the wife, husband, parent, brother. It really works, for a moment if we are willing to be honest with ourselves and available at an inner change. Then compassion grows and we feel as a person, beyond the image that we took of her, is always a great gift and the gift consists essentially in its humanity, its path closely with all its limitations and his labors. And, indeed, the very limits and there are those efforts over time become familiar and dear. And the world would be incomparably more empty without her. And why say thank you to far outweigh those for which prolong the insane litany of recrimination. It's never too late to realize, says Zen wisely.
Don Romeo will probably go to the news as the pastor mezzaghesi quietest we've ever seen for ages now. More so than the words spoken, however valuable, will remember him for the silence that always accompanies innate. He himself is essentially a proposal for silence. Very it should be around when he talks about, otherwise you risk losing some vital hub of the speech. When he smiles, then, does it quietly. Even when she cries I think so. Even to say goodbye to those he meets on the street use the silence many times someone if it complains, because he would like to hear more clearly and distinctly, but on closer inspection is only a matter of refining the ear, as in music, or poetry.
I was wondering these days what does it mean that a Christian community for twelve years is driven by a man so meek and silent. Because even before the words even more that in the words of sacred texts, God continues to speak through people and their way of being present. The gift of God is always a person of flesh and bones. A person who comes, who accompanies us for a while and at one time leave us. Each of us is that for the other, as the angel who went to refresh the prophet Elijah who, tired and exhausted, wanted to die under the juniper.
It is therefore time to reap the benefits of a silent but strong testimony of faith and charity. It indicates a direction, a style that is required of us. How to say you've had twelve years (a biblical times!) To learn, now make good use of teaching. In a world that screams for everything and everything from morning to evening, rediscover the pleasure to communicate, relate, simply stay silent.
For the gentleness that makes him the role, Don Romeo will inherit the earth. Thus ensures the gospel of the Beatitudes. For his silence, however, what is the reward? An advance will probably be those eyes, gathered in clusters under the lime trees in the churchyard, grateful and sorrowful sweetness of a late-summer morning. Washes away some tears that perhaps could not see clearly: what remains, in softer light of September, they are fraternal traits of a simple, common ground, bless and thank.