A Church concerned to defend a little idolatrous traditions and wonder, what does that with the gospel? What has to do with that word he calls blessed those who "have not seen, yet believe" (Jn 20, 29)? Where is the "new wine" in an institution which on the one hand, it is proposed as a spiritual guide for the people, and the other calls for them continuously morbid curiosity with regard to biological realities, indicating - if not as a dogma of faith-like objects noble worship?
What kind of believer comes out from Marian processions, where people, under pain of anathema, is forced to give credence to the thesis dogmatic about "bodies" that would have soared to the sky, that argument simply collide with common sense and against the intelligence of any middle school boy of the same average intelligence? None or almost no one to take the responsibility to help us ordinary people to read symbols of Christian faith differently from how we would do with a shopping list or the news pages of the Journal of Vimercate.
Because it's much easier to leave things as they are, and pull forward between aspirations and devotions of all kinds, most often light years away from the history of the Nazarene. Who had more serious intentions and commitment, and whether what he wanted, was to eradicate the fear from the hearts of men and women who approached him. In particular, the fear of God, or rather, some of his images. Knowing full well, as later will support his illustrious disciple, the Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard, that "man is not troubled as a sinner, but because anguished sinner. "
free from fear, which is the root of all evil, even from the fear of finitude that grips every living thing. This Jesus wanted for himself and his friends, where he taught who had a Father and that, as children, were all brothers and sisters.
But where does "freedom of the sons of God" in the context of a faith characterized by traits necrophilia, which is concerned to see if in the display case once again the blood of the saint liquefaccia or not? Or run where a statue suddenly began to cry tears of suspected liquid blood?
Who knows.
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