Stefano Cucchi, Federico Aldrovandi, Aldo Bianzino and many others who will remain anonymous belong to the ranks of people who every day suffer the abuses of the judicial system is not always the height of a civil and democratic country. All of them have been waiting and waiting in vain to get help when they are oppressed even unto death. Invoke the intervention of a relative, a friend, a lawyer who does not. The family of Stephen
knocked a thousand times at the gates of the prison health care arm in order to meet their loved one, which no one knew how to say them. He had heard from him only when he was already dead, murdered by beatings and neglect.
's cell phone rang Federico a thousand times in the "dawn of death" of September 25, 2005. His mother tried to locate him but no one answered while he was thrown on a road face down, with two agents back up to choke him.
The teenage son of Aldo called thousands of times the name of the father arrested for two plants of hemp planted in the garden. Not heard from again until they brought him in a coffin, a few days later.
imagine the nausea of \u200b\u200bthe family of Stephen, Federico and Aldo in the face of an unbiased news for the minor thigh long, caught stealing and taken to the police station, things have gone very differently, thanks to the timely intervention of the Prime Minister of government. Wonder why, after all? His good heart led him irresistibly to help (people) unfortunate, as long as young and handsome.
Who would have thought then? A magic word as if by magic opens the doors of police stations in the beautiful country, the chains on their feet as they fall miraculously in St. Peter's imprisonment in Jerusalem, and we are sent free as a bird in the sky of spring.
If necessary, therefore, do not lose heart: try using a-Bunga Bunga. It really works, at least in some cases. It is the law of BungaBunga and we are long since the banana republic.
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