megalomania is a psychopathological condition characterized by fantasies of omnipotence that naturally go along with those to be infinitely rich, valuable, beautiful, famous ... Psychotic is the removal of any awareness of the limit. And above all, a total inability to recognize the limit value.
Everything clashes this obsessive vision of things has run away in horror: the smallness, the slow, inadequate, disability. Until the repudiation of his own personal condition which, by nature, and time is always limited.
megalomania is the substantial inability to grasp the reality for what it is. And most of all to appreciate. Because the idea of \u200b\u200b"ever greater" is not reflected in real does not exist in nature an entity which is expected to grow indefinitely. Animal life from that of the stars, everything is born, grows, declines and disappears. Or if you want changes.
And then we are victims of a gigantic scam whenever someone raises the possibility of unrestrained growth and presents it as admirable and desirable.
Thus, for example, in times of economic crisis, we witness the depressing spectacle of a politician who breaks out from the stage, and purple states that "Italy must grow, grow, grow ...." Like the frog
Phaedrus, who wanted to be something so grossly different from oneself, simply ended with the outbreak of unhappiness.
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